Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Contemplation

Perhaps you've seen the discussions and polls on the social bulletin board sites about whether our president should continue to call it the national "Christmas" tree or change the name to "Holiday" tree instead. While I haven't participated in those polls, I have done a great deal of thinking about this subject. Here are some of my conclusions*:
  • I don't give a hoot what the president does. His life and actions as well as the actions of a large percentage of our nation do not revolve around bringing honor and glory to God. What he chooses to call the tree won't change that.
  • The argument that calling it a holiday tree is just taking one more thing away from the Christians is only valid if the government is the source of the Christians' faith. If recognition or approval from the government is necessary to authenticate one's beliefs, then I would encourage a reexamination of those beliefs. Following God has never been the popular thing to do and Christians are never promised support from the leadership of our world. In fact, the opposite is true. (Ps. 20:7, 8; Gal. 1:10; Acts 4:26; I Pt. 3:14-16)
  • Christians belong to a kingdom other than those represented on our globe. We are strangers and pilgrims here. Temporary exiles. If we get too comfortable with secular contemporary customs and society and we risk being like Lot's wife.
  • I call into question the possibility of the Gospel being spread merely through the name of an object. The heavens declare the glory of God, but I don't think that includes an electrified evergreen on the White House lawn.
  • Religious freedom...oh, I am not even going to open that can of worms.
*These comments are not aimed at any specific person or persons, et cetera. And by all means, feel free to disagree with me.


Liz Henderson (Hendel D'bu) said...

I agree. It does not matter what he, or anyone else, calls a cut evergreen tree decorated with lights. There isn't a lot in this world that can change my faith, be it saying Merry Christmas, giving praise to other gods or popular vampires. My faith remains thanks to the gifts that only come from the Master of the Universe, G-d Himself, and his Messiah Yeshua.

Mama Cache said...

I am going to feel free to agree with you. I have my own cans of worms. ;-)