Saturday, April 5, 2008

High Tech Yard Walking

Thanks to my trusty Garmin e-trex GPS, I have determined that walking around the perimeter of our yard 7 times is 2.06 miles. My max speed today was 4 mph, and average speed was 3 mph.

This might not sound like a big deal, but it is a breakthrough discovery for me. I have been desparate for a way to get regular exercise into my schedule. Because of a knee injury, most of the aerobic things that you can do in your living room are out of the question. My doctor wants me to walk. I like to walk, but I have two younger children who can't seem to take more than a dozen steps before reaching complete exhaustion--at least when it isn't their idea. We live on a wonderfully quiet country road where I know everyone. Just walking down to the corner and back is a convenient 2 miles. But Hubby is in the middle of the spring field work and I can't expect him to hang around the house with the girls while I walk. The nearest gym or Y is almost 15 miles away. Plus it's expensive!

But now I have figured out how I can do all the walking that I want without ever leaving home! The girls can play in the yard or inside and still have full access to me if they need something. I can do the walking in several sections if I have to, or even do it several times a day. I can do it whenever I please, instead of having to wait for someone to watch the girls. And it's free!

Walking in our yard is a little harder than on a treadmill (which I don't have anyway) or the road. Our lawn is lumpy and rough and you have to watch out for all the ground squirrel holes. I have been wearing my hiking boots, which are heavier, but give better support. All in all, it's probably a better workout and may even help strengthen my knee over time.

Skinny jeans, here I come!

I wonder if I can figure out how many miles of grass I mow every week with my GPS? Hee Hee.

1 comment:

Peas on Earth said...

Very cool! It would take me ...well, somewhere in the neighborhood of 387 laps to make 2 miles around my yard. Ha ha! That is a fabulous idea, though,when the kids are just wanting to play!! Way to go!!