Sunday, November 8, 2009

Head Slap

There is a new movie set to be released on Friday. Maybe you've heard of it. 2012.
I have just one thing to say about this film. It's Fiction, Folks. Some of you are getting way to worked up about this.

Seriously, we're supposed to believe that the Mayans foretold of some global disaster in our time, but couldn't predict the obliteration of their own culture?

And for those of you who are trying to cram this Mayan prophecy into the book of Revelations, shame on you. When has the Sovereign Creator ever been bound by something that ancient pagans scratched into a rock?

So by all means, go and enjoy the movie. Get chills at the special effects. Eat your popcorn and come home and sleep soundly. But don't make me come slap you.


Mama Cache said...

. . . love the way you write ;-)

Liz Henderson (Hendel D'bu) said...

People are really believing the Mayans? Really? Man, I'm out of it!

*shaking head in disbelief*