Friday, February 1, 2008

Flash Forward

The story does not end there, but I will spare you the long, drawn out version. Suffice it to say that J is thriving in her one-of-a-kind way! She will always have an issue with vision, but that is minor. She also has Sensory Integration Disorder which serves to keep life interesting for all of us. She is still doing some catching up in the large and fine motor areas as well as emotional maturity, and she will always be smaller in stature. All of those things, while they do cause some frustration (when I am operating in the flesh and not by the Holy Spirit), are small potatoes when I remember where God has brought us from!
You would think from what I have written so far that J is our only child, but that is not so! Stepping out on faith alone, we decided to try again. After all, J needed a sibling! And with only a few bumps along the way, we had our second daughter almost four years ago. MR could not be more different than her sister! They are both unique and wonderful testimonies to the continued creative genius of our Lord! And whether J would admit it to anyone or not, M has been a blessing to her. She relates to her imagination as only a three year old could, comforts her, pushes her buttons in all the right (and sometimes wrong!) ways, and gives, gives, gives.
With the addition of two cats, fourteen fish, and the hope of a dog this year, our family is now complete. As exciting as the first leg of our trip on this Path of Grace was, I look forward to finding out what God has in store for us in the days to come!

Sola Fide!
Sola Gratia!

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